‘Thank You’ to Everyone who came along and Supported Spectrum/Wasp yesterday with our ‘MACMILLAN’ Coffee Morning where we raised on the day £102.67 .. which was just ‘Fabulous’ .. it’s was wonderful to see and Share our Special Morning with you All.. Congratulations also go to Kate W .. who Won our Bottle of ‘Prosecco’ for the Door Entry Prize and also tho Kate R who Won our Raffle of the ‘CrockPot’ and Mini Colin the Caterpillars.. on the Day .. A Special ‘Thanks’ also goes to Rachael B from DFS our Guest of the Day who came over to Speak with Parents/Friends about the Work DFS do within the Community with their Apprenticeship Scheme for Young People and also about the DFS Production/Products/Opportunities.. Rachael also brought along ‘Recycling’ for Spectrum/Wasp which raised £24 on the day .. so a Wonderful Morning was held at Spectrum/Wasp Base @ Pine House A, Ransom Wood.. ‘Thank You’ to Everyone again for Supporting