Spectrum WASP Friday Night Teens Club has been such a success since piloting the club with lots happening…June/July was a busy month for our Teens…
Friday 21st June saw our Teens at a glass art workshop at Pine house making bottle bugs with the tutor Sue…All the teens thoroughly enjoyed the workshop with lots of wonderful crafts made…
Friday 19th July with Hem from the Green Scene in the Forest/Woodland area at Ransom Woods…
The evening included Lifeskills/Learning for the great Outdoors’s…Bush Craft/Activities/Arts/Crafts as well as Cooking outdoors…Lunch was provided on the evening which was homemade tortilla pizzas followed by toasting marshmallows by the campfire…
This project has the support of Children In Need which gives us sustainability…If you require any further information regarding accessing the Teens club for 11-18 year olds please do not hesitate to get in touch…The club is term time only and will recommence in September…